Digging In

Insight into garden design, photography and growing life.

May 14, 2010

Garden tour

May has been an intensive month for gardening and garden touring, and we're only half-way through! I figured I'd better post my images from the Denton County Master Gardeners' tour (held every Mothers' Day weekend) before I hit the Garden Conservancy's Dallas tour tomorrow.

Many learning opportunities can be found on garden tours - how other gardeners create solutions to common problems, what plants are doing well or have become (too?) popular, etc. The Denton County Master Gardeners went the extra step to supply literature, experts and demonstration stations at each garden stop. My faves were square foot veggie garden (hello, raised beds) and the values of soil amendments, specifically compost and expanded shale. I use both of these products liberally when double-digging my new beds. Love 'em.

Here are a few more good ideas . . . .

Want a green roof without climbing a ladder and freaking out your spouse? Try birdhouse first!

Happy water lilies.

We all loved this huge white clematis, which we believe is Clematis 'Henryi.'

Another fave was this rose, 'Mermaid' I think it was. It was quite large, in shade and had super clean foliage and flowers. But the best scent of the day came from Rosa 'Veilchenblau' (not pictured).

Want an herb/veggie garden? Get a horse trough and plant away. Not everything has to be difficult. Really. I heard a lot of positive responses from touring gardeners about raised veggie beds constructed out of cinder blocks. Not the prettiest, but practical and economic. Not permanent either.

A lot of really lovely gardens have one thing in common, great vignettes. Makes for great pictures, especially if you keep it simple.

Happy koi.

Glad these bunnies haven't found my veggie starts yet. I'm sure this gardener and her grandchildren love their tea parties.

From the same beautiful garden as above. This lady has whimsy down pat.

And she probably hosts great parties. I know a few other gardeners who give Martha a run for her money. Of course I love going to their gatherings. One day (when the boy is older) I'll be a super hostess again.

Nothing says happy like a bed full of daisies!

May 10, 2010

Georgetown stroll

Since I get to visit central Texas regularly, I often visit the historic square in Georgetown. There are several interesting old buildings and some good antique shops. Check out the details on these old metal stair risers.

On a recent walk, I discovered this beautiful little church, which was relocated near the square. The simple, geometric detailing on the windows and gate intrigued me (especially since I've been planning my new fence and gate).

I'm happy to announce my new fence and gate are on order. Yeah! I've been looking forward to extending the side yard to create an enclosure for my portager. The contractor, Cisco Fencing, has been selected and the start date is in early June. Cannot wait. There are lots of details planned, including a beautiful scrolled iron window cutout in the gate so nosey neighbors (like me) can get a peek into the garden.

Actually, two fences are being built. First is the facade with the main gate - the garden's main entrance. Second is the sweeping reverse-arch picket fence with an arbor over the half gate. Of course this fence is being constructed to support the Red Cascade roses (which I bought this past weekend). But it will also be the dividing structure between the portager garden and the garden pathway. And it will also keep the dog and children out of the tender veggie plots, in theory.

Puddle jumping and chasing rainbows

The boy and I enjoyed our post-rain adventure last week. It's always good to have puddle-splashing boots on-hand, and a fireman raincoat and helmet (just in case).