Digging In

Insight into garden design, photography and growing life.

September 18, 2011

In the kitchen garden

Last look, from way down low. Mmm, the lavender smells good.

In the kitchen garden

This blurry shot highlights all my columnar hollies and magnolias. Another reason I'm thinking of adding some more.

In the kitchen garden

These two raised beds were quite productive. Unfortunately the heat got the better of a few boxwoods.

Peaking into the kitchen garden

Another look in. This should be a great entry when my Climbing Pinkie rose grows up.

Peaking into the kitchen garden garden

A work in progress. . . . Thinking about planting some evergreen hollies or laurels into the raised boxes against the fence so I have something green to look at in the winter. Not sure the veggies get enough light in these spots.

Hoping for more rain

Another shot of the pathway wending toward the kitchen garden. You can see a bit of the heat stress if you look closely, or just glance at the lawn.

Hoping for a bit more rain

A quick shot of the garden path looking east toward the kitchen garden to document the light.