Digging In
May 04, 2012
April 09, 2012
Bunny, bunny, bunny
April 07, 2012
Gardening in the Hill Country
My hubby helped my dad attempt to remove a dwarf Pampas grass. Two bent and broken shovels later, the majority of the grass is still intact. This shovel did not live up to its Rigid name.
FYI: I do not recommend Pampas Grass. The center, as with many grasses, dies out, and becomes a fire hazard. Not good in a drought-stricken area, plagued by wildfires last year. Getting these grasses out isn't simple. Although, I have witnessed successful removal using tow chains and a truck.
March 29, 2012
Bunny bizness, part 2
There are at least six kits by my count. Hoping mamma is not one of the three recent casualties (think the hawks got 'em). No wonder we have so many rabbits around here.
Guess I won't be replanting this veggie bed anytime soon. Could be worse - so glad it's not a rat nest!!!